Monday, October 22, 2012

Students at Ibn Khaldoun High School. Ms. Bouhou, Mrs. Henske, and Mr. Rowley are in the back.

Dear American and Moroccan students,

Mrs. Henske and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Morocco and, in particular, our visits to schools there. I have posted some photos of classes at MRH, Ibn Khaldoun, and Mohammed VI here -- enjoy!

In a comment to this post, please tell us more about your school. What's a typical day like? What sort of schedule do you have? What subjects do you study? What academic subjects do you prefer? What extra-curricular activities do you participate in? What do you think works well about your school, and what do you think could be improved?

- Mr. Rowley


  1. Well to start off things, my first class is 20th century studies, then I have English 3, then Spanish 1, and the last class I have before lunch is biology. Spanish for me is a bit harder because I haven't been in spanish since middle school an I am now a junior in high-school. After biology we go to lunch for at least 45min. Lunch is pretty much the only time you get to relax and talk to your friends without being told to do work or be quite. So most of the time it is peaceful, but people are always telling stories and cracking jokes.Once lunch is over my next set of classes kick in which are Jazz band, Algebra 2, ACT prep, and then College Bound. Then I would go straight to basketball practice and would get home around 8:30p.m.

  2. Our school is a 4 story school where we all get laptops. There is about 300- 400 people in our high school. My favorite subjects are creative writing and and other English classes. I play baseball after school and that is the only sport that I play. The use of the laptops at our school. is a little much and could be toned down but thats about it.

  3. My school is considered small. There are about four hundred and fifty students in our school, and they are all different. Our school takes pride in it’s large diversity, with every student different and able to express their difference. A typical day at our school is full of socialization. We go from class to class, having a passing period in between each class. At school, my schedule is very on point. There is always somewhere to be after each class. This semester I am taking 20’th century studies, English III, Focus on Fitness, Biology, Art I, Pre-Calculus, and Spanish II. My preferred classes are Art I and Spanish II. Sometimes after school, I have to stay after for a few hours to rehearse a play. We put on two plays every year, and I participate in both every year. Even though our schedule can be confusing, It works very well.

  4. This school is very nice. There are things here that are kinda wrong, but everything else is good. The technology here is superb. We have our own laptops and the teachers have their own laptops and smartboards in their classrooms to help with teaching. This school is clean and it’s really nice inside. The computers are the best thing you get at this school. They have a good system of money coming in so we can get these computers. The sports here are nice too. Basketball and football are the more dominate sports here. Wrestling, baseball and track aren’t very popular. Most of the stuff that is here is very nice to have. They have some good things to do after school. Some of the staff is nice, but some isn’t very nice. I mean, other than a couple of things, this school is very nice. Classrooms are bigger. The desks are big. There’s a lot of space in the school and the cafeteria. The cafeteria is huge. It’s good to have space while you eat. I don’t eat myself, but it’s good to have lots of space while you eat though. Most of the time, I have a good reason to wake up every morning and come to this school. Some people at this school aren’t very nice though. Yet, a lot of people are nice too. That’s pretty much it about this school. Sometimes there are little problems from here and there. I mean, some teachers at this school seem to play and have favorites. That means they grade there work first, they let them slide on assignments, and other things that could really help other students. That’s only a couple of teachers in this school. That’s pretty much it for this school. Other than a couple of smalls things, this school is really good. Overall, this school is good to come and learn.

  5. Now it’s getting repetitive and boring. It usually goes by so fast and slow if that makes since. On Mondays my schedule always starts with Biology. It usually can be good or bad depending on how tired I am. Then after that I’ll go to English which usually goes by fast. Then Spanish comes and it’s getting kind of tiring. Next is Study hall which always goes by faster then any other day. Lunch comes and goes then it’s time to go to PhotoShop. This class was fun now I don’t know how it’s going to be since Crawford is gone. To finish up the day I go to Algebra, 20th Century, and then Computer Art Studio.

  6. A typical day at my school is that I get up at 6:00am, go to school (which starts at 8:05am), and go to 4 classes then have lunch. After lunch I then have 2 more classes and then I go home at 3:08pm. I study Spanish, English, Physical Fitness (we call it Gym), and Biology. I also study Advanced Placement (AP for short) Art History (it’s a college level class), Concert Band (I play the clarinet), Pre Calculous, and a class called College Bound, which helps teens get into college. The academic subjects that I prefer are Spanish and AP Art History. I volunteer a lot and I am in a group called Girl Guards. Girl Guards is just a group that comes together every Wednesday evening to praise God. A lot of the things at our school works well, but there are a few things that could be improved. For instance, the cafeteria food. A few years ago our school decided to go healthy, but they didn’t consider to make the food good. I’m all for healthy food, just as long as it is good. Also, they traveling in between classes could be improved. A lot of the people in my school just stand in the middle of the hallway during passing periods and it‘s not very easy to get from class to class.

  7. My school is wonderful. I love being a student at MRH. A typical day is cool. You go to your Am1 Am2 Am3 Am4. And if you have lunch 1 you go to lunch or if you have lunch 2 you go to your Pm1 class. I have lunch one so I would go to lunch and meet up with my friends and we’d sit at the same table everyday and eat. We’d laugh and talk about things. When lunch is over I’d go to my Pm1 class which is outdoor adventures and we’d play games and do workouts and sometimes we’d go on field trips. One time we went kayaking and we went hiking and bike riding. We go on all types of cool field trips. Then when the bell rings the kids that were already in Pm1 would go to lunch and I’d stay in my Pm1 class until the next bell. When the bell rings we go to out Pm2 classes then Pm3 then Pm4 and thats the end of the day. I study English, math, 20th century, and biology. I don’t too much care about any of my other classes but English. Thats my favorite subject. It always been. What works well about my school is that we get the ability to use laptops and sand take them home. We don’t have to write as much anymore. What could be improved would be the lunch. I understand they trying to make things healthy for us but they could at least give us healthy food thats good.

  8. My school is four stories. The rooms are located specifically to each floor. The 100 hall is the first floor, the 200 hall is the second floor, the 300 hall is the third floor, and the 400 hall is the top floor. In between the second floor and third floor is the math hallway. Part of the 300 numbers are there, starting at 304. In between the third and forth floor is a the middle school class rooms. The classes I take, in order by hour, are Chemistry (second floor), English 3 (third floor), Government (third floor), Spanish 1 (first floor), American History (third floor), Algebra 1(between the second and third floor), Study Hall (third floor), and Blue Pride (gym). I prefer fun classes like art and drama and artistic things because I’m very creative. I also like active classes like gym because I like to workout and be fit so I live a healthier life.

  9. I think my school is cool every day of the week besides monday we skip 2 classes like tuesday we skip AM 4 & PM 4 then wends day we skip 3’s ect a good thing is that we get lap tops and they help out a lot our classes don’t have a huge amount of kids in them I study math English world history and government. I can’t think of anything that needs to be improved for the most part everything is good.

  10. Life here a MRH is cool. There’s good academics and athletics, cool people here.My schedule is pretty laid back you could say. I have all my hard classes in the morning and during the evening it’s more like elective classes that I take. The subjects I study are Biology, American Government, English 3 and NAMS. My evening classes are Photoshop, cinematography, business marketing and 20th century. I would like to be in spanish because I know that’s a requirement for most colleges.

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  12. My school is very diverse but also small in population. There are so many different types of people you can meet here. That can be a good and bad thing. One way it can be bad is since we are in small in population your business can easily be spread around the whole school quickly. But it can also be a good thing because since it is so small in population it’s more easier for you to concentrate on your work and your studies. We have science, math , english and history classes for every level. Right now as a junior I am currently taking English III , 20th Century , Biology and Algebra II. The other elective classes that I am in is Web design , Band and Spanish. I love my school I feel empowered and I learn so much every day. I also participate in extra-curricular activities such as soccer and band. I am also apart of a group called Get Global where we are informed on problems around the world and we try to find ways to help people if we can. We are also lucky to be students at MRH because we are more advanced in technology because we all have our own mac books. Most of our work is on the internet. It is just prepare us for our future world. What could be improved at this school can should be the school spirit. I believe that the school spirit isn’t the best it can be. But other then that Maplewood-Richmond Heights is a great high school and I would highly recommend it to student who want to make it somewhere in life and value there future.

  13. Our school is in a quite commercial neighborhood we have all the fast food and gas stations around out school. sometime our teachers let us order food or go out to get food if we have good G.P.A’s .Our school is filled with hard working students that will like to do something with their life well most of them do. Most of the students play a sport and have to maintain grades to be apart of the team. Our school is very small we have about 345 students which is small because we had more students in my middle school.Subjects I study is 20th century (History), English 3, environmental sustainability, a science class, Biology, and Nam's (math). All of them can be challenging at times if you don't pay attention or do you work. Things that can be changed at MRH is the food because they choose to change to healthy food a few years ago. Another thing that can be changed is the time we get out we get out at the same time as middle school, which is not fair because the hallways be crowded with a lot of students besides who wants to see 8th graders in our hallway.

  14. our school isnt forreal that big. its only got 300 somthin kids. i just transferred here this yearfrom a school which had 2,200 kids so it makes a difference. The people here are all drama starters and theyre super fake. i dont like alot of the people here. our schedule is kinda weird. on mondays we have all 8 classes. then tuesdays we drop 4’s wednesdays we drop 3’s Thursdays we drop 2’s and fridays we drop 1’s i didnt understand it at first forreal. my classes are geometry, study hall, cinematography, biology, gym, english, social studies and then yearbook. i like geometry the best. i play volleyball, basketball, and soccer. i also play softball but not for school cause we dont have a team. we supposedly have this big thing on bullying at our school where theres like 0 tolerance for bullying but thats not the case. everyday i get messed with because of some dumb drama bullshit and it pisses me off so bad. my moms forreal pissed off and wants to come up here and go off but i keep telling her not to. so maybe if people in this school werent so dumb then it would be a better school.

  15. Our school isn’t that large compared to some of the other high schools in our area. There are only about 300 students enrolled in grades ninth-twelfth. Our day begins at 8:05, and continues until 3:08. During a typical day we have 6 classes, and one lunch break in the middle of the day. I take a variety of subjects, english, bio, music, a science research class, and spanish. Our school has undergo some major changes, and it has moved our school from being on the verge of being taken over by the government, to one of the nicest schools in the area. It has won an award for being one of 8 model high schools in the country. I think there are some aspects of the school that could still be improved, but nothing too major.

  16. Maplewood high-school is a very small school, about 20 students or less per teacher. We all pretty much know each other, and the middle school is located right above us. I have a block schedule which is filled with electives and core courses of my choice. I’ve been in every fine art class maplewood has to offer, so in my opinion we need more of those. I can also honestly say maplewood should allow us to eat off campus as long as we are responsible enough to come back and make it to classes on time. I don’t par-take in any extra-curricular activities because we don’t have a cross country team, so maplewood should maybe develop one of those in the near future.

  17. MRH is a small school with many different types of people. The schedule is a little different everyday but the same every week. We drop certain classes on different days of the week. We have five minutes in between all our classes, which sometimes doesn’t seem like enough time, but it works out mostly. I like the art classes that we have. I take Studio and Photoshop. Both are pretty fun and laid back.

  18. Our school is amazing with an awesome environment. We’re positive most of the time and very organized school day. Most of us have great friends. We usually study math, science, history, english, and other activities. I like English, Spanish, and Cornerstone Culture. Cornerstone Culture is a class where you help those in need and have great experiences. I like that we have small classes, so the teachers can know each student individually. I think the watch for bullying can be improved. I think teens are being bullied too much.

  19. My school is alright. There is very still many problems with the school but mostly it's good. The only subject I love is math. Algebra and Statistic are the only classes I enjoy at my school. We all know everyone in our class. I would love to move to another country to see how things work else where. Even to another school in the area.

  20. My School is pretty diverse. Its big consisting of 4 levels. Its colorful and clean. In every hallway is a wise quote from a person that made a purpose in the world. It pretty quite most of the time, our students aren’t really rowdy or bad in the halls. Compared to other schools my classmates are pretty well behaved for the most part. A Typical day at MRH is just coming to school, eating breakfast, going to classes, then lunch, more classes and then home. Nothing really happens. Not a lot of people want to be late so the halls get clear really quickly. Most of the time everyone is being productive. Our schedule is a little confusing but it comes natural after a while. On monday our classes are shorter and we have all our classes. On tuesday we drop our last morning class before lunch and our last class of the day, called Am4 in the morning and Pm4 then it goes on like that throughout the week. Wednesday we drop Am3 and Pm3, Thursday you can probably guess and so on to Friday with dropping our first class Am1 and the class after lunch Pm1. I study a lot of things, its school. I prefer math over anything else. I Cheer and Run Track for my school. The thing that works well at our school is the way our schedule is set it, it can be really beneficial. The thing that could be improved are the lunches, they are plain and we can’t use salt so they basically are making us eat it without any flavor.

  21. Our school is very diverse. It is a small school both in size and population. We don't have any extra-curricular activities that aren't either just extra school work or a sport. Our food is terrible, and I'm not sure if they even cook it. We have small classes, and everyone knows everyone.

  22. My school is maplewood richmond heights high school. My school is very small, we only have about 350 kids in the whole student body. Our school is very diverse. So basically everyone knows everyone, that can be a bad thing but at the same time it can be a good thing. A typical day at MRH is just a very easy going day. We have about 6 classes a day that are like an hour long. The classes I take are biology, spanish 4, honors algebra 2, 20th century studies, office aid, health, english 3, and cadet teaching. I really like math and office aid. I am an athlete. I play volleyball all year round (it’s my favorite sport) and I participate in track and field. I think everyone is really nice at my school and we are all one big family, it feels like. One thing I think could be better at this school is the lunches, they are pretty gross.

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    1. My school is awesome.There are so many different types of teachers.I have sort of schedule inappropriate for me. We usually study science,islamic,history,english,french and other subjects.For me i prefer the science subject because it's make me feeling good to do more efforts, invert other subjects. I participate in many activities like the drawing, because it's my favourite hobby. In my school one thing could be better is the friends.

      October 27, 2012 4:59 PM

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  25. MRH is a relatively small school. It has a great environment here. You can tell the administration and faculty here care about the students, community, and well being of others. We have farms and a number of projects to try to help the world. All the students here have their own laptop, so that gives a source of organization and accessibility for each student. We have really good sports here and a lot of athletes. The teachers and students are very diverse. We have foreign exchange students here, different races, and religions. The people here have been around the world to many different countries and participated in many events. We take pride in community building and propelling people to the next level. Good grades, behavior, and participation are expected at Maplewood-Richmond Heights High School. We have a lot of school pride here and I’m glad to be a part of this school.

  26. Hello everybody! My name is Hamza Agoumi. I study in Ibn Khaloun high school. We sttudy Maths, Sciences, French, Arabic, Engish, Philosophy, History and Geography and many other things. My favorite subjects are maths and physics. My favorite sports are soccer and boxing. My ambition is to be an engineer. We have some extra curricular activities such as designing magazines, reading books, write stories and work on a project like AIDS. What I like about my school is the number of students we have in each class and its location. What I don't like about my school is the small space we have for sports.


  27. He, my name is Kaoutar Ait El Makhtar, I like my school so mush is small school with many different types of people. well we study many subjects, like Arabic, French, physiques, maths, education Islamic, philosophy and English.My favourite subjects is physiques!! and I like play sport, but in my school we don't have big place for playing it,and my favourite is hand-ball. I have sort of schedule so appropriate. My ambition is to be stylist like my mother, We have some extra curricular activities such as designing magazines and work on a project like AIDS. What I like about my school is teachers and friends. What I don't like about my school , we don't have Scientific testing equipment,

  28. Hi! my name is walid moultamiss , I have 16 years old ,I study in Ibnou Khaldoun high school , and I like it , it is mediem , my favorite subject is English , I like playing football ,but ,we can't play it in the school because we haven't a big playground ,We have some extra curricular activities such as designing a magazines and do a project , the last project was creating a website and I call it "" our teachers are very friendly .

  29. Hi!my name is Hasna Elmadany i'm 17. i study in ibn khaldoun High ambition is to be a DOCTOR.
    we study many subjects for example islamic.frensh and favourite subject is sience.we have some extra curricular activities creating a website.doing a project. designing magazines ..i like my school so much Although it's small and lacks some things I’m glad to be a part of this school.

  30. Hi, There!! My name’s wadie kerrad
    I’m from morocco. I live in casa blanca city,
    I’m 17 years old. I study in IBN KHALDOUN heigh school ,this year i am in the leve of baccalaureate, i am generous ibn khaldoun heigh school because she include professors and administration in the level, my favourite subject is science natural,
    My favorites hobbies are listen to music, check Facebook everyday, watch TV and send messages for to my cellular phone.
    I love the pizza, choccolate , the popcorn, the cookies and the ice cream.
    My big treasures are my family and my country.

  31. hi every body .my name is achraf ouchen i from morocco ;i live in casablanca i'm 17 years old .i study in ibn khaldon hight ambution is to be Pharmacist .i like playing football with my friend in the schol but we haven't playground .and my favourite subject is History and Geography,and english ,I want to complete my studies in England,i like listen to music .This all I have today I see you again.

  32. Hello evry bedy ,i'm achraf Abhair I'm student in ibn khaldon I wake up at 6 o clock I like eat BBQ and drink tea mcha7r I like playing swimming with my friend in my school I study 9 subjects but my favourite subject is physic in my free Time I revise my lesson or drawing ok this is my live bay god see you later

  33. hello evry body ,iam youssef boulahya ,iam 17 years old , i'm student in idn khaldon hight sckool my ambution is to be doctor , i like playing scorre w my friend ,and my favorit subject is phisique and english ,i like listen to music ..This all I have today I see you again.

  34. Hello my name is Omar el Bachi I'm a student in ibnou khaldon .in th first year I don't like my school because is small and far away but now I like it .we study many subjects like Arabic,French,education islamique,physic,philosophy,science and English but my favourite subject is English and science .my favourite sport is gymnastic and my favourite meals is couscous my favourite drink is tea and the future I went to be doctor .in my school we have same activity and do a project finally I like this web .

  35. hello evry bedy my name is hanane elmountassire iam17 iam student in ibn khaldoun i like my schol because it came in a beautiful location.It lacks some beautiful stuff, but this pleasure. Studying a variety of materials, including mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences, earth philosophy and Arabic and English.

  36. hi evryone, I'm hajar. i'm student in ibno khldoun high school. my school is smal. in this school there are four hundred fifty six student. each other have their liberty. that is the beautiful in this school. we studying science,physics, maths, education islamic, arabic, english, Philosophy,...
    but we don't have Experimental kit that the disgusting thing. but I always pride for my school and welcomme in our school and our country

  37. Hello my name is Amine Akira I'm a student in ibnou khaldon .in th first year I don't like my school because is small and far away but now I like it .we study many subjects like Arabic,French,education islamique,physic,philosophy,science and English but my favourite subject is English and science and french .my favourite sport is football and my favourite meals is couscous and pizza my favourite drink is tea and the future I went to be doctor .in my school we have same activity and do a project finally I like this web .

  38. Hello my name is hamza agoumi , i am 17 year , I'm a student in ibnou khaldon .are small school , but she is have better teachers , are ambitions .we study many subjects like Arabic , French, english , education islamique , math , physic , philosophy and science . but i like two subjects are math and physic .my favourite sport is football and boxing . My ambition is to be Engineer , i Fill my free time a stady or practice my Favorite hobby ...

  39. hello everybody, my name is Ayoub ELBARIDI i'm 17 years old, i'm student of II.B.PC i study in ibn khaldoun high school.
    i don't like my school because it's far away and because we don't have place for playing Physical Education. we usually study 9 subjects and 30 hours in the week.
    I like only thing in my school we are few in the class.
    that's all, and I wish all the best to you all

  40. name is abderrazak i'm a student in ibnoukhaldon ...i like this school becouse i study with my best friend in 1 classrom...i like my teachers level is B.S favourite sebject is mathématique

  41. hello im zahra i study in ibn khaldoun my favourite subjects are math , english, sports and frensh and my favourite sport is handball, i like my school because there techers are very good and i study with my best friends . i am talented in drawing and writing the story. my favourite day is friday becouse i eat couscous

  42. Hello, my name is aziza zahran I'm student in high school her name is Ben khaldon, I'm student is class 2bac PC, I study different subjects for example French, sciences, maths,my favorite subject are English and physiques but I don't like history-geography because it is boring. I live in Casablanca . I love my city so much because it is very nice in my school I have a lot of friends but my best friend is amina, she have 18 years old she is really intelligent sensible. I have two brother, their name's are NAJIB and SALEH but I don't have sisters
    At the weekend I play basket-ball with my friend's I usually like this sprot

  43. Hi every body,my name is ghizlane igarni,i'am a student in ibno khaldon,my favorite subject is frensh,i don't like my school becauce it is small and far from my home,and does not contain all the requests for students.
    I don't like to study her but i wish joined the study there,that's not proble, because i enjoy my time with my friends.

  44.   Hello my friends I Mohammed i Study in Ibn Khaldoun
    i Study 10 subjects such as physics Mathematics Science English French ... my favorite subject is physics
    Ibn Khaldun small school is not the laboratory
    Computers also do not exist
    But we have excellent teachers and they encourage us to study
    Frankly, I love my school, despite everything

  45. My name is naima Bouatrous, i study in secondary school Ibn Khaldoun, the last is very beautiful for me and students are very nice, and we have a lot of the hard working. My school it's in economics city for my country and our teachers are so responsibles for that i frefer this school on difference others schools.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. hi every body my name is fatima ezzahra chellah i'm 17 years old I study in ibno khaldoun high school ,i don't like my school because it's so far of my house,absence of Scientific testing equipment.
    we study many subjects such as :science,maths,physique and chimie,English,Arabic,French, I speaks three languages are: Arabic frensh and english...etc.
    in my school we don't have place for playing sport,in my free time I like watching tennis, American movies.
    what i like in my school is friend's and excellent teachers,
    we have some extra curricular activities creating a website.doing a project. designing magazines.
    my ambition is to be psychologist in future.
    that's all, and I wish all the best to you all

  48. I study in Ibn Khaldoun High School it's a beatiful school because there are good teachers and nice students who respect our school. This last is in the outskirts of Casablanca the aconomics capital of morocco . We study nine subject in this school and i prefer Frensh and English subject, i want to pass more time in school because i have excellents friends who i enjoy my time with their.

  49. hello evrybody my name is youssef ssanadi i am 17 years I study in ibno khaldoune hight school a study 10 subject such as fysique mathimatique english , french........ my favourite sport are basquite and bosxing ;my ambition is to be police mane i don't like my school because it's Small about 18 student in my clasrom or less pera taecher

  50. SMS message from my dear friend noureddine kader and my dad loves football so much and wish each students ibn khaldon Success

  51. hi every body .my name is amina elaali i from morocco ;i live in casablanca i'm 17 years old .i study in ibn khaldon hight ambution is to be teacher .i like my school but we haven't playground .and my favourite subject are french,and english ,

  52. i will answer the question of walid moltamis :"mcha7ar" is beutiful tea

  53. i will answer the question of walid moltamis :"mcha7ar" is beutiful tea

  54. hi evryone, I'm zineb hamdoun. i'm student in ibno khldoun high school. my school is smal. in this school there are four hundred 18 student. each other have their liberty. that is the beautiful in this school. we studying science,physics, maths, education islamic, arabic, english, Philosophy,...
    but we don't have Experimental kit that the disgusting thing. but I always pride for my school and welcomme in our school and our country

  55. My name is kaltoum ait ali, i study in secondary school Ibn Khaldoun, the last is very beautiful for me and students are very nice, and we have a lot of the hard working. My school it's in economics city for my country and our teachers are so responsibles for that i frefer this school on difference others schools.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. hi everyone,let me introduce my self to you.first my names's Youness Chiguer.i'm 19 years old ,morrocan certainly.i study in bac this year .i hoppe success in my life and i wish that for everyone.
    socondly i want to say that i love to know people from other countries,more knowledgement,defferent clture such a more things ...
    finally iam availaible for hwo want to knwo me or meeting i'd love to make frienship all over the world..

  58. hi evry one my name is soukaina bazaoui i'm 17 years old i study in bno khaldoun high school the laast i founded very larger and wonderful but all my friend hate it.
    In our school we do a lot of activities like a project about some phenoméne in our country I study 10 subjects but i find physique and science the best subject.
    also we travel in place that make us very confortable of course with all the student of second bacalaureat such as the last travel in the beach we had fune but we came back at the night.
    In myambition in the futur is to be a teacher of science and I want to teach in our school
